Results for job id S13929

Job information:
Job id: S13929
Job name: alpha_8OHA (md)
Job starting time: 2024-09-20 09:02:41
Job ending time: 2024-09-20 12:21:03
Peptide sequence: RASNCANVCKTEGFH
Protein receptor structure: rec_clean.pdb

Top 10 predicted binding modes
Predicted models are ranked by a knowledge-based scoring function, ITScorePeP.
Click the "View" button on the right panel to display the corresponding binding mode.
Models Active View ITScorePeP Download
Model 1

-175.9 Download
Model 2

-171.6 Download
Model 3

-171.5 Download
Model 4

-165.5 Download
Model 5

-165.3 Download
Model 6

-164.7 Download
Model 7

-162.6 Download
Model 8

-162.2 Download
Model 9

-162.0 Download
Model 10

-161.2 Download

Click HERE to download all the results.

Note: Use ViewDock option in Chimera to display and analyze results on your local machine:
1) Open Chimera and click "Menu: File ... open" to open the receptor pdb file ("rec_clean.pdb");
2) Click "Menu: Tools ... Surface/Binding Analysis ... ViewDock" to open ViewDock and load the predicted peptide binding modes (e.g. "Top10_pep_models.pdb"). Once the file is successfully loaded, the program will ask for the file type. Choose "Dock 4, 5 or 6".