Q: Is the MDockPP Online Server for protein-protein complex structure predictions only?

A: No. The MDockPP Online Server also predict protein-nucleic acid complex structures. The molecule you submit to the server can contain multiple protein and nucleic acid molecules, the server will treat them as a single molecule.

Q: Will the server work if the molecule has missing atoms?

A: Yes, the server will just skip those atoms.

Q: Is PDB the only file format supported by the server?

A: No, FASTA file also accepted.

Q: Is there a size limit for PDB files uploaded to the server?

A: Yes, the size limit is 20MB for each PDB file.

Q: What is the purpose of clustering docking results?

A: It is to remove redundancy. Without clustering, a lot of the docking results will be very similar to each other.

Q: Is the MDockPP Online Server free to use? Do I need to register before submitting jobs?

A: Yes, the MDockPP Online Server is free and you don't need to register before use.

Q: How do I get the results from the server?

A: When your job is finished, we will send you a notification at the email address you provided when you submit the job. You can visit the web page of the MDockPP Online Server and click the "Query" navigation tab. Once in the Query page, you can provide the job name and the job number, which are presented to the users when they submit the jobs, and a link to a compressed file will be shown. You can click the link to download the compressed file to your computer and uncompress to retrieve the results.

Q: How can I retrieve the results if I forget the job name or the job number?

A: Since the job name and the job number are the only information we kept for jobs submitted to the server, you will have to resubmit the job.