Art Figures


Click here to download the MDockPeP2_VS program (version 1.0).

Click here to download data presented in the manuscript.

  1. Xu X, Kao W-L, Wang A, Lee H-J, Duan R, Holmes H, Gallazzi F, Ji J, Sun H, Heng X, Zou X. In silico screening of protein-binding peptides with an application to developing peptide inhibitors against antibiotic resistance. PNAS Nexus 2024, pgae541. DOI:

Installation instructions

MDockPeP2_VS is a structure-based in silico peptide screening program. It is written in python2.7 and utilizes several third-party programs, including a modified version of AutoDock Vina (vina_pep), PCalign , and Naccess. MDockPeP2_VS has been tested on Linux systems.

To install MDockPeP2_VS, uncompress the file mdockpep2_vs.tar.gz with:

     tar -zvxf mdockpep2_vs.tar.gz

This will create a directory "mdockpep2_vs" containing the following subdirectories:

    -- pep_lib:   contains a peptide library constructed by fragments in monomeric protiens from Protein Data Bank.  Uncompress the file helical_pep_10_15.tar.gz with:

                 tar -zvxf helical_pep_10_15.tar.gz

    -- programs: contains the program vina_pep, a modified version of AutoDock vina.

    -- examples: contain a test case for running MDockPeP2_VS.


In the main mdockpep2_vs directory, you will find the main program of MDockPeP2_VS named as '', which is written in python 2.7.

To run, use the following command to set executable permission for the script:

        chmod +x

Usage: ./ --config arg

       ./ -h


The following is an example of the configure file:

        # The target protein in PDBQT format

        receptor = rec.pdbqt

        # The center of the docking box

        center_x = 36.9

        center_y = 25.0

        center_z = 48.1

        # size of the box in Angstrom

        size_x = 36

        size_y = 30

        size_z = 20

        # independent runs in vina_pep, default = 64

        exhaustiveness = 64

        # number of cpu used for the program

        cpu = 6

        # The range of peptide sequence length for screening

        pep_len_min = 10

        pep_len_max = 15

        # The number of output peptides, default = 1000

        out_num = 1000


Before running, ensure that the third-party program PCalign is installed, and its location ("pcprepare_bin" and "pcalign_bin") are correctly set in ''. Also, ensure that the paths for mdockpep2_vs ("mdockpep2vs_path") and peptide library ("pep_path") are properly configured in "".


IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend running the test case in the example folder using the option "--test on" before conducting a large-scale screening study.

        cd examples/test/

        ../../  --config conf.txt  --test on


In the main directory, you will find a program named "", which can be used to apply various filters to the outputs of

"" utilizes the third-party program Naccess (


        Usage: ./ rec.pdb  mdockpep2vs_out_models.pdb   mdockpep2vs_out_sequences.txt