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MDockPeP2 is an online server predicting protein-peptide complex structures starting with a peptide sequence and a protein structure. Details >>

Required inputs:
★ A peptide sequence and a protein structure: predicting protein-peptide complex structures.
☆ A peptide sequence only: generating an ensemble of peptide bound conformations.

Click Here for more details about the job submission.

Job Submission

➺  Peptide sequence :  
      Or upload a FASTA file:

➺  Protein structure or provide "PDB:ChainIDs": : 

➺  Job name :                 

➺   Email address :      

➺ Do not show my job on the queue page

Advanced options (optional)▼ ➻ The number of peptide conformers to be used for docking:

➻ Blocking residues from the binding site (Details):

     Example: Peptide sequence : 1AWQ_pep.fasta ; Protein receptor: 1AWQ_rec.pdb    /    Load example

Please cite the following reference for MDockPeP2:
  1. Xu X, Zou X. Predicting Protein-peptide complex structures by accounting for peptide flexibility and physicochemical environment. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2022, 62: 27-39. DOI: